
Saturday October 15th Mannering Park Cruise and raft up

Have a social night safely tucked up behind Vales Pt. in Wyee Bay.

BBQ and toilet facilities onshore.

Sunday 16th Cock O' Lake 11:00

To help the committee manage the COVID safety protocols, the committee asks if all members could register their intent on attending the  AGM, by responding to this eMail link, so that we can manage seating in the clubhouse.
All members are asked to consider how they may be able to contribute to the management and running of the club, and if they would like to hold a position on the committee. If you would like to express your interest in becoming involved with the management of the club, please talk with our Commodore Lawrence, or any of the other committee members.
Please take the time to come to the AGM and support your sailing club.


History 1

History 2


Hi all CBSC members
As mentioned in my previous email the Summer point score race on 6th March is to be a handicap start race.
The lists below show the start delay times for individual yachts.
Based on wind predictions for Lake Macquarie issued at 2016 03 04 1102 by BOM Meteye for Sunday 6th March: 2 pm, 12 knots, East; 5 pm, 15 knots, East.
Division 2 The scratch start time is 1330.
                   Estimated race time for fastest boat 2h 15m.
                Yacht                    Start delay time
                Blueprint                    16:00
                Cascade                     16:00
                Epic Venture              31:00
                Farrpar                       18:30
                Magic                         18:00
                Mala                           31:00
                MnM                            4:00
                Mojo                           26:00
                Sarum                         10:30
                Solar Flair                     0:00
                Sandy                          18:30
                Look Sharp                  31:00
Division1   The scratch start time is 1400.
                  Estimated race time for fastest boat 1h 45m.
                Yacht                    Start delay time
                Brigus                          4:00
                Excalibur                    17:00
                Faraway                     13:30
                Gale Force                   3:30
                Gertie                          0:00
                Gremlin                      20:00
                Illeac                            1:00
                Konan                         14:30
                Reggae Beat              18:00
                SeriousLeigh              21:30
                Step Up                        5:30
                Vilia III                       26:00
                Wisemans Ferry        12:30

The following sponsors support the club we ask the members to consider their business


The WhiteCottage163



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