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Social - 50th Anniversary
Sunday, 08 October 2017,  4:00 -  6:00
To mark this special occasion, all members and their families are invited to a celebratory spit roast following the race set down for 8 October 2017.
The cost is $15 per adult and $7.50 per child.  The Club will subsidise the full cost.
People can pay by direct deposit into the Club Account or by cash to be placed in an envelope in the club house with your name and identifying how many adults and children are included.  For direct deposit, please see details below.
Account Name: Croudace Bay Sailing Club
BSB: 650-000
Account No: 526034002
Reference: Last Name ?A?C  (eg. Calvert 8A1C, representing 8 adults and 1 child)
As the Club has a responsibility to provide exact numbers one-week prior to the event, please provide your numbers and payment no later than Friday 29 September, 2017.
Please note, to accommodate the celebration, the race for Sunday 8 October will commence 1-hour earlier than normal.
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